Helping people discover patterns and unlock their potential.

With everything going on, many people find themselves feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or like an imposter at work or in life. Or maybe, you’re thriving, but unsure about what’s next in your life and need some more clarity. Or… you’re somewhere in between and you’re not quite sure what’s going on.

I’m here to help!

Working with me is all about helping you figure out and reaching your goals.

I promise.


I coach utilizing a person-centered approach to help you figure out what’s going on, and how you can get to where you want to go. You set a destination and I’ll help you get there. And even though I love the idea of a self-driving car, you’ll be in the driver seat the entire time.

Individually, I use 1:1 conversations, to get clarity and set action goals. I sometimes bring in narratives, past stories, and experiences to help get some insight. I believe in figuring out what goes on at the person-level instead of just focusing on the performance issue. In teams, I work with the group to set a goal and figure out what the team as a whole needs in order to get there.

In either scenario, I’ll occasionally make observations, ask questions, and provoke deep thinking. I firmly believe we have all the answers we need within us. And I’m here to help you find them.


Because I’m certified by Gallup and the Myers Briggs™ company, I can incorporate assessments like Strengths, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, or the Hogan assessments.

Of course, because you’re driving the entire time, I will never push these things - coaching shouldn’t feel like a sales pitch. It should feel like you are finding the best version of yourself.
